Curriculum Vitae
Jeongbin Park heads the Computational Omics laboratory at Pusan National University since 2022. Jeongbin holds a BSc degree in Physics (Pusan National University, 2012), a MSc degree in Physics (Seoul National University, 2014), and a degree of Dr. rer. nat. in Biology (Heidelberg University, 2020).
Jeongbin has visited the Center for Genome Engineering (Institute for Basic Science, Korea) and the Molecular Genome Engineering Laboratory (Hanyang University, Korea) for bioinformatics tool development of CRISPR RGENs (http://rgenome.net), also worked at the Eilslabs - Computational Oncology group (German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany), at the Center for Digital Health (Berlin Institute of Health, Berlin, Germany), and at the Computational Genomics and System Genetics group (German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany) for his research on computational oncology and spatial omics data analysis.
Jeongbin has contributed to an open-source project GNU Data Language (https://github.com/gnudatalanguage/gdl/) as release manager. He translated an e-book "A Byte of Python" (originally written by Swaroop C H) into Korean, and released it online for free of charge (https://github.com/pjb7687/byte_of_python/).
Selected Publications
- Jeongbin Park†, Wonyl Choi†, Sebastian Tiesmeyer, Brian Long, Lars E Borm, Emma Garren, Thuc Nghi Nguyen, Bosiljka Tasic, Simone Codeluppi, Tobias Graf, Matthias Schlesner, Oliver Stegle, Roland Eils, Naveed Ishaque, “Cell segmentation-free inference of cell types from in situ transcriptomics data”, Nature Communications 12, 3545 (2021).
- Sang-Tae Kim†, Jeongbin Park†, Daesik Kim, Kyoungmi Kim, Sangsu Bae, Matthias Schlesner, Jin-Soo Kim, “Response to “Unexpected mutations after CRISPR–Cas9 editing in vivo””, Nature Methods 15 (4), 239-240 (2018).
- Jeongbin Park, Liam Childs, Daesik Kim, Gue-Ho Hwang, Sunghyun Kim, Sang-Tae Kim, Jin-Soo Kim, Sangsu Bae, “Digenome-seq web tool for profiling CRISPR specificity”, Nature Methods 14 (6), 548-549 (2017).
- Sangsu Bae†, Jeongbin Park†, Jin-Soo Kim, “Cas-OFFinder: a fast and versatile algorithm that searches for potential off-target sites of Cas9 RNA-guided endonucleases”, Bioinformatics 30 (10), 1473-1475 (2014).
† joint first authors.